Cultural and Creative Enterprises depicts this domain using a wide array of indicators: added value, employment, local units, export, business development and internationalization.

29 November 2021Thanks to its exhibition centres, the Emilia-Romagna region counts on a wide array of initiatives ...leggi di più

Cultural places
29 November 2021Cultural and creative places in Emilia-Romagna are numerous and diverse. Some of them have been ...leggi di più

Research grants
26 November 2021To optimize R&I investments, many European regions have drafted their Smart Specialization Strategy (S3): an ...leggi di più

CCIs startups
26 November 2021To optimize R&I investments, many European regions have drafted their Smart Specialization Strategy (S3): an ...leggi di più

CCIs export in Emilia-Romagna
26 November 2021The following datavisualizations show the impact of export in different provinces of the Emilia-Romagna , the ...leggi di più

Cultural and Creative Industries in Emilia-Romagna
26 November 2021The following mapping of the sector was built using the main European analytical model: the ESS ...leggi di più

S3 funding
26 November 2021The Emilia-Romagna Region has identified CCIs as a high growth potential sector. As a consequence ...leggi di più

S3 funding for digital initiatives
26 November 2021Several regional policy instruments and programmes have been funding digital initiatives developed by CCIs, in accordance ...leggi di più