Cultural and Creative Enterprises

Cultural and Creative Enterprises examines CCIs as a whole or investigates specific sub-sectors from a socio-economic point of view.

Report – The videogame industry in Emilia-Romagna

22 February 2022
An in-depth analysis on the videogame sector was conducted to learn more about this industryleggi di più

Report – Covid19 impact on Cultural and Creative Industries in Emilia-Romagna

22 February 2022
This study anlayses the impact of the pandemic on the cultural and creative industries of the Emilia-Romagna Region ...leggi di più

Funding and innovation needs of CCIs in Emilia-Romagna: the performing arts sector

29 November 2020
Throughout 2020 ART-ER kept investigating financial and innovation needs of professionals and companies operating in...leggi di più

The publishing sector: a report of the focus group

26 November 2020
Before enacting the first regional law dedicated to the publishing sector, launched in 2021, the Emilia-Romagna Region set ...leggi di più

Funding and innovation needs of CCIs in Emilia-Romagna: music and the audiovisual sector

25 November 2019
In 2019 ART-ER carried out an in-depth analysis exploring  financial and non-financial measures dedicated to the ...leggi di più